



Service User, hereinafter referred to as «Service User», as party of the first part, and INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHER LLC represented by director Shiryaev Sergey Borisovich, acting on the basis of the Statute, hereinafter referred to as «Service Provider», as party of the second part, collectively referred to as «Parties», have agreed as follows:

1. Subject of the Contract

1.1. The Service Provider undertakes to render the publishing services (scientific journal selection indexed in Scopus Q3 Percentile 30..49 , and publication of a research paper titled «Art therapy, painting, stress.» (topic №188, author-place №3 at 123mi.ru) in the journal, the Service User undertakes to pay for rendered services under the terms and conditions herein.

1.2. The Service Provider guarantees that a scientific paper of the Service User will be indexed in the database Scopus.

1.3. The Service Provider warrants rendering high-quality services safe for the Service User.

1.4. Service period is within 八月 2026.

1.5. The Service is fully rendered after the Service User receives an Acceptance Letter from the journal and signs the Acceptance Certificate.

2. Service Cost and Payment Order

2.1. Total cost of Services rendered by the Service Provider under this Contract is 940 (nine hundred forty) 美元.

2.2. Services rendered by the Service Provider shall be non-cash paid by transferring money to the bank account of the Service Provider

2.3. The receipt, cheque, electronic payment instrument or any other payment document is payment approval. Be sure to keep the payment document attached to the Contract. Be sure to notify your manager about the payment and take acknowledgment about payment was received.

3. Rights and Obligations of the Parties

3.1. The Service User has the right to check the progress and quality of rendered services without interfering into activities performed by the Service Provider, to request information about the progress and status of rendered services at any time.

3.2. All copyright, intellectual and other rights belong to the Service User.

4. Special Conditions

4.1. Each Party undertakes to maintain complete confidentiality of financial, commercial and other information received from the other Party. Such information could be transferred to Third Party only under the written consent of the both Parties, as well as in cases provided by law.

4.2. All disputes, disagreements and claims that may arise between the Parties as result of herein or in connection with this Contract, its performance, violation, termination or invalidity, shall be resolved judicially unless settled through negotiations.

4.3. The Parties recognize the legal force of the electronic and scanned versions of this Contract. If necessary, the Service Provider and the Service User undertake to provide the original Contract.

5. Registered addresses and bank accounts of the Parties

The Service User (Client):

The Service Provider:

ООО «Международный издатель»
Registered address: 123317, Russia, Moscow, Presnenskaya Embankment, 8, bldg. 1, 48th Floor, 484C.
Head office address: Russia, Moscow, Moscow City, Presnenskaya Embankment, 6, bldg. 2, 8th Floor.
INN 7703406582, KPP 770301001.
Tinkoff Bank, 1st Volokolamsky pr., 10, bld. 1, Moscow, Russia
Account 40702840910000000690
Transit Account - 40702840020000000690
Intermediary's Bank SWIFT CHASUS33XXX
Intermediary's Bank Account 464650808

_______________(Shiryaev S. B.)

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